
My Photo
Location: Cheshire, United Kingdom

Older than I think I am.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Florist Spikes.

From the Verdin Park Boot sale on Sunday, the lady said her daughter was trying to clear her room.
These are made from lead, I think the backs looks like planets.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Grafton Tool

I bought this from a lovely man at Whitegate Boot sale who looks out for things for me now...he very kindly doesn't charge me much for these treasures either. This still has its box and instructions..
The address of the firm is
1 Highview Avenue North
Brighton 6

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Twinplex Razor Sharpener

Found on the bootsale at Whitegate. After a little research on the internet, it seems to be a device widely used in America during the depression for prolonging the life of razor blades. it strops them on both sides, as the mechanism spins the blade over each rotation...wonder how it mades its way here?

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Monday, August 03, 2015

Travel Coat Hanger

Boot sale find from the Marina in Brighton last Sunday.
